Plot 6C Pebble Mill
- Location
- Birmingham, UK
- Expertise
- Architecture
- Size
- 10,683 Sq m
Pebble Mill Investments Ltd have commissioned BDP to develop design proposals for a new mixed use/service development.

Pebble Mill Investments Ltd have commissioned BDP to develop design proposals for a new mixed use/service development. The 1.26 acre site known as 'Plot 6c', previously housed the BBC Pebble Mill social club, and is located along Pershore Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Adjacent to the site is the recently developed Plot 6a (Costa Coffee) which combined with other betterment work has allowed plot 6c to be made available for development, which would make it financially feasible for Calthorpe's investment.
The client Pebble Mill Investments, initially commissioned BDP to undertake a feasibility/concept study to place a drive thru coffee retail unit and retail units. Subsequently, the project was taken to planning, with the Costa coffee being developed through to construction by BDP. The proposal will represent the third phase of development on the plot 6 site, supplementing the newly opened Costa drive through and Vita Student accommodation. Upon completion of the drive thru coffee retail unit, the client has commissioned BDP to develop the retail element of the proposal with one unit for the Co-op as tenant and an additional Class E unit.
BDP set out to create an attractive and functional amenity destination for the users of the wider Pebble Mill medical park. The site benefits from a long frontage to Pershore Road, which with removal of undergrowth and retention of some of the larger trees will create an open ‘leafy’ frontage with good visibility both into and out of the site, while also being appropriate within the wider Calthorpe Estate.
The brief was to design a building which responds to the character of the site and the current and new buildings built as part of the wider Pebble Mill Site. BDP will have to work within the appropriate unit sizes dictated to by the various tenants, whilst responding to the Birmingham Development Plan 2031 for levels of carbon reduction, local parking guidance for small retail units will also have to be considered when developing the design to meet the needs of the retailers.