Birmingham studio secured planning for a bespoke 9,000 sqm office headquarters for Metaswitch, a software and network developer.
Lordswood School Sports Hall
New sixth form centre and sports facilities at Lordswood Girls' School.
Plot 6C Pebble Mill
Pebble Mill Investments Ltd have commissioned BDP to develop design proposals for a new mixed use/service development.
Tenby Street
The development includes re-providing updated modern facilities for a long established jewellery maker.
King Edwards School
King Edward’s School, Birmingham is an independent boys' school that has been central to learning in Birmingham for more than 450 years.
BOXPARK Birmingham
BOXPARK Birmingham is a fresh interpretation in the lineage of BDP’s design of a sequence of projects developed for BOXPARK across the UK.
Brentford Waterside
A mixed-use development providing affordable housing in the Brentford Waterside masterplan.
Trent Bridge Quays
The regeneration of a disused industrial area adjacent to the River Trent.
Waterfall House, Birmingham Children's Hospital
The four storey building, home to the UK's first pioneering Rare Diseases Centre for Children.
University of Birmingham, Teaching and Learning Building
Designed to provide a flexible range of vibrant teaching, learning and study environments for collaboration and reflection.
New Covent Garden Market
The market proposals will provide modern facilities consolidated on one site for the 200 tenant businesses, which employ over 2,500 people.