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BDP. QuadrangleBDP. QuadrangleDesign.

Westergouwe Community Centre, Gouda

Gemeente Gouda
Landscape Architecture

The Westergouwe Community Centre will provide one of the largest child centres in the Netherlands including a primary school for 1,200 children with additional daycare services. The development will also provide a modern sports hall, community program and 40 affordable apartments.

Westergouwe Community - CGI exterior of the school and surrounding area
Westergouwe Community Centre, Gouda
Westergouwe Community Centre, Gouda
Westergouwe Community Centre, Gouda
Westergouwe Community Centre, Gouda
Gouda - interior

The Westergouwe Community Centre will provide one of the largest child centres in the Netherlands including a primary school for 1,200 children with additional daycare services. The development will also provide a modern sports hall, a community program and 40 affordable apartments.

A landscape-first approach will create a sprawling embankment park which flows around the development and includes a mix of adventure islands, play areas, green schoolyards, recreation zones, an ASM sports field and space for healthy exercise. Active learning and living is at the heart of the design and nature plays a big role in both.

The building has direct contact with the natural environment on all sides and the creation of four smaller 'houses' designed around a central heart space within the building forms a safe place within which children can play, explore and discover the world. Each 'house' provides an opportunity to formulate an original, educational space like a children’s cooking area, a shop or a creative corner. It will be a wonderful mix of places where children can learn and grow.

The sports halls and amenities are also situated around the central heart. Here young and old can meet in an informal manner. In this way, the building plays a connecting role in the social structure and well-being of the new neighbourhood.

Westergouwe Community Centre, Gouda
Westergouwe Community Centre, Gouda
Westergouwe Community Centre, Gouda